Websites I like


Link aggregator with mostly very nerdy stuff


Another link aggregator, but smaller and even nerdier?


Surf the web like it's 1999


Machine Learning and AI models


When you need pure vibes has a blog too

Youtuube's list of websites

Old list of interesting websites


Community for so-called "Rationalists", sometimes interesting

/g/'s Good sites

Haven't gone through them all (theres 786 ffs), list of good sites collected by /g/

Blogs I like


Gwern Branwen's personal website, Great essays and better site design

Astral Codex Ten

Scott Alexander's new blog, Essays and Data analysis

Slate Star Codex

Scott Alexander's old website

Paul Graham

Paul Graham's Essays; life, computer science, entrepreneurship

Marginal Revolution

Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok's blog; Economists

Paul Wells

Veteran Canadian journalist

After Babel

Social Psychologist/Author Jon Haidt's blog. Social media bad mmkay. More on his Websites

Xah Lee

Math, Keyboard, and Programming enthusiast

Idk will add more stuff later